4Life Distributor / Affiliate FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers on being a 4Life affiliate (previously known as distributor):


Is there a minimum age requirement to be a 4Life Affiliate?

Applicants must be at least 18 years old and above.

How much does it cost to be a 4Life Affiliate?

To gain access to 4Life’s wholesale pricing and other Affiliate benefits, the Welcome Kit is RM80, unless you purchase 150 LP or more when you sign up, in which case, it’s free!

Is there a monthly fee to be a 4Life Affiliate?


Is there a minimum monthly purchase to be a 4Life Affiliate?

No, but you need to maintain a minimum of 100LP (life points) in purchases monthly to entitle you for a commission.

What does LP mean?

LP stands for Life Points, the point value assigned to each commissionable 4Life product. Life Points are converted to commissions based on the total point value of products sold by each Affiliate and his or her organization.

Can I purchase products for my own use as a 4Life Affiliate?


How much income can I earn as a 4Life Affiliate?

It is entirely up to you how much you can sell to earn the commissions as stated in our 4Life Rewards plan. Please read the business plan and also refer to the Affiliate Kit to understand in detail.

How can I get paid as an Affiliate?

Earnings can be transferred to your bank account or used to purchase 4Life products through your 4Life account.

When do I get paid?

4Life pays both daily and monthly commissions.

As an affiliate can I enrol other members or affiliates as my downline?

Yes. You will also earn a commission from their purchases subject to a minimum purchase of 100LP by each of them. You can even enrol people from other countries. Please refer to Life Rewards for more opportunities to increase your commissions from your downlines.

What other benefits do I get as a 4Life Affiliate?

As an affiliate you will get to purchase our products at a considerable discount. There are also apps to help you with your sales and your own free MyShop website to sell your products online. Besides that there are regular special promotions, product familiarisation and monthly free gifts for those who qualify! Affiliates who achieve certain targets are rewarded with additional perks including overseas trips.

Can I make any claims on the efficacy of 4Life products?

You are NOT allowed to make or publish any claims on the efficacy of our products in treating diseases or illnesses as required by regulations.

Where do I find a sponsor to be a 4Life Affiliate?

You can use our sponsor code available here if you do not have a sponsor of your own. You can also use our sponsor code as your enroller code during application. Your sponsor is your direct upline Affiliate. Your enroller is the person who introduced you to 4Life. The enroller and sponsor are sometimes the same person.

Is training provided for a 4Life affiliate?

Yes, training is regularly provided for free to members and affiliates. Please login to malaysia.4life.com for the latest training schedules. You can also follow us on social media on Facebook and Telegram for the latest updates.

How do I enrol and become a 4Life Affiliate?

You can fill up the Application Form and submit as stated in the form or you can also join online.

Can I enrol if I reside in other countries?

4Life products are available in over 50 countries around the world and you can enrol if you reside in one of these countries. Visit our My4Life website and select the country you reside in (at the top of the page) and click to JOIN or SIGN-UP!

What else do I need to know as a 4Life Affiliate?

For the latest information please read the terms in the Application Form and also the Policies and Procedures at the main 4Life website.


Information given above are subjected to changes without any prior announcement and may differ depending on the country you reside in. Although we strive to provide the best information we are not liable for any inaccuracies or lack of information provided above and in this website.

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